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Published: 23-Apr-14
Maximizing Your Twitter Traffic
Maximizing Your Twitter Traffic

As an Internet marketer one of your main promotional goals should be to dominate social networks and what better way to access the global market than through Twitter. Simply by attracting followers and making friends you can quickly build a list of valuable leads.

Did you know that Twitter is considered to be one of the most effective and impressive ways to increase traffic?

Most people use Twitter simply to send tweets to one another and keep in contact with friends and family, but as an Internet marketer you can use it to drive traffic a serious amount of to your business sites if you know how.

Just imagine, with the increased traffic to your website, you can gain more subscribers, leads and convert them into paying customers which all leads to increased income.

Let The World Know You’re On Twitter

As we talked about in chapter one, you need to spread the news that you’re on Twitter. You will want to include your Twitter url in your email messages, post blogs and on your websites. That way, everyone will know that you’re using Twitter.

Tweet Good Content Often – Daily Not Weekly!

Believe it or not regularly updating your tweets will help you drive more traffic to your site. Avid Twitter users like people who post tweets regularly. If you want to gain active followers through your tweets you will want to set up a schedule for posting and do your best to stick to it.

You will also want to make sure that you reply to the tweets addressed to you. I don't recommend that you stay on the site all day or spend long hours tweeting away your time. Just pick a good time once or twice a day and login.

If you have a mobile device, all the better because you can sync it up with your Twitter account and you won't have to worry about being away from your computer.

Don't worry if your followers don't become active right away. It may take some time, but they will begin to notice the times that you are more active and after a while they will join in your conversations, which is one of your main goals.

Just remember the basic rule we talked about in chapter three "keep 90% of your tweets full of helpful content and limit your promotional ones". This way you will keep the followers that really matter.

While some personal tweets are a must if you want to help your followers get to know you, you will want to avoid sending out to many personal or unrelated tweets because it can actually cause you to lose followers. After all there aren't too many of your business contacts that will want to hear that you took a shower or what you had for breakfast, so keep your tweets focused!

By taking the time to build good relationships with your followers, you will be laying the ground work for converting them into lifetime customer for your products or business. Establishing a good relationship with your followers is vital if you want to take advantage of the massive flow of traffic that pours through Twitter every day.

Here is a little checklist that you can keep handy:

- Let everyone know that you’re on Twitter. - Send tweets regularly. - Retweet good content. - Reply to the tweets addressed to you. - Pay attention to the kind of tweets you’re sending. - Make the tweets personal, but not too personal. - Most of all, build good relationships.

Using Twitter is fun and easy that is why is has such a big draw. I'll be honest, not everyone who uses Twitter as a marketing tool will be successful because it takes time, effort, and patience to see effective results. But if you follow these steps regularly you should see an increase of activity and conversion.

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Republished with author's permission.